¡ATENCIÓN! . . . . . . . . . . . . OCTUBRE DE 2023. COMIENZA LA (GRAN) TRIBULACIÓN . . . . . . . . . . . Y DESPUÉS DE OCTUBRE . . . . . . . . . . . . NOVIEMBRE NACIONAL EN ESPAÑA


La profecía es pronta, la invasión salvaje.
La guerra será total.



El fin de los tiempos. Quiero ser luz. Quiero ser tu luz


6 de noviembre de 2022

Una niña de Reino Unido es liberada tras ser violada por 24 hombres "SIN ORIGEN NI NACIONALIDAD" durante 4 años

No se dan datos de los violadores, pero yo os los he conseguido.



Una niña de Reino Unido es liberada tras ser violada por 24 hombres durante 4 años (msn.com)

se dice, entre otras:

Están acusados de violar a una menor mientras tuvo entre 13 y 15 años, muchas veces en grupo. También se enfrentan a las acusaciones de conspiración para violar, rapto y trata de mujeres ya que la obligaron a prostituirse.

De esta monstruosidad, solo se habla de uno de los 24, un tal "Omar T,"

En https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1681599/24-men-raped-girl-13-bradford-west-yorkshire sí se encuentra un listado de personas con nombres muy poco británicos:

Later, on October 6, a 24th man was charged. Omar Taj, 35, of Bradford, was charged with the rape of a girl aged 13-15.

He appeared at Bradford Magistrates on October 7.

West Yorkshire Police revealed that the other alleged attackers face a range of charges, all relating to one female victim.

Mohammed Nadeem Ali, 38, Aftab Ahmed, 33, Shazad Khadam 38, Asif Budhia 39, Hannan Miah 37, of Manchester, and Syed Hassan Basharat, 33, of Keighley, have all been charged with multiple rapes of the single female victim.

Jameel Ahmed, 32, and Brian Davis, 53, have been charged with rape and conspiracy to rape.

Burhan Uddin Ali, 36, and Abdul Basith 40, have been charged with multiple rapes and conspiracy to rape.

Meanwhile, Shahinul Haq, 35, Yousaf Bhatti, 36, and Anwar Aziz, 32, were charged with rape and the arrangement/facilitation of the prostitution of a child.

Ashfaq Ahmed, 34, from Halifax, Amjad Hussain, 36, of Keighley, and Abbas Hussain, 41, were charged with with multiple rapes and arranging and facilitating the prostitution of a child aged 13-17.

Khalid Parvez, 63, from Leeds, was also charged with arranging and facilitating the prostitution of a child aged 13-17.

Three men, Muhammad Yasir, 36, Mussadaq Hussain, 37, and Pasquale Massimo, 40, were charged with rape.

Two, Syed Shabir, 39, of Oldham, and Khazer Hussain, 41, also from Oldham, have been charged with conspiracy to rape and false imprisonment.

Ibrahim Ali, 35, faces a charge of engaging in sexual activity with a girl aged 13-15.

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